Can Better Student Assessment Data Transform Education?

October 26, 2022  •   David Pring-Mill

This episode features Cristina Heffernan, an education specialist who’s the executive director of The ASSISTments Foundation.

While drawing upon her extensive firsthand teaching experience and practical knowledge of what actually works in the classroom, Cristina explains how better student assessment data can transform education and set up the next generation for success.

This episode touches upon the following key questions:

  • How do classrooms vary around the world?
  • What are the benefits of standardized tests and data-driven learning?
  • What are the benefits of physical classrooms?
  • What are some misconceptions in education and the EdTech space?
  • How can parents help their children to learn mathematics?
  • How has the pandemic changed EdTech, and what might the future have in store?

Cristina Heffernan and her husband, Neil Heffernan, developed ASSISTments, an online learning tool used by over 500,000 students a year in the U.S. Their organization assists students with formative assessment while helping teachers assess where to focus instructional time in mathematics.

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